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Splashes of Looks: What's in my handbag?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

What's in my handbag?

Hey guys!

I admit...I love buying new handbags! The stand that I usually hang my handbags on is overflowing. I have no place for more but I still insist that there is no such thing as having too many handbags. I decided to write a little post about what I constantly keep in my handbag (apart from the obvious items such as my purse or phone!) when I go out. So, here it goes:

1. Lipstick of the day- I always keep the lipstick that I will be wearing on that particular day in my handbag. I'm trying to go for a more long-lasting lippy these days. However, I still like to dab on some extra colour whenever I see that it's slowly starting to fade away.

2. Lip gloss- A neutral lip gloss will always come in handy to add that extra shine to your lipstick.

3. Lip balm- My lips tend to get very dry, especially during colder days. So, I always carry a lip balm (preferably flavoured) with me.

4. Hand sanitiser- I never step out of my front door without this in my handbag. I am very conscious about the fact that after a few hours my hands start to feel dirty and sticky. Soap is non-existent in some public bathrooms and when it is, the push button is all sticky with other people's tries and misses (mostly misses). Hand sanitiser is the way to go!

5. Hand lotion- Although I love using a hand sanitiser, it tends to make my hands very dry. Therefore, a hand lotion is definitely a necessity to carry around with me in my handbag.

6. Mints- I tend to love all sorts of food which leave a horrible smell in my mouth. For example, if I decided to treat myself to a packet of crisps, I will definitely choose the cheesy flavour. Therefore, mints are essential to carry around with me all day.

7. Compact mirror- I don't think there should be a reason for an explanation as to why this is in my handbag!

8. Current book- Yes, I am a book worm and there is a high probability that I will go out with one book in my handbag and come back home with two...or four. Oopss!

Have a great weekend!

Lyn xxx  


At March 10, 2014 at 11:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice post :) I am a blogger too

At March 10, 2014 at 11:59 AM , Blogger Lyndsey Grima said...

Thank you :) I'll definitely check out your blog then!


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